9 - Get object type

In this lesson we'll be getting every objects in the scene, check the object type and exclude object that are not needed.
A great example of this is the audio spectrum by BluePrintRandom. Import the game engine module, define current controller and owner object (I won't be repeating after every lesson :/).
We get a list of objects with for loop with scene.objects like so.

    import Range
    import bge as Range
cont = Range.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
scene = Range.logic.getCurrentScene()

def main():
    for obj in scene.objects:

Turn off true level triggering, for now we'll just need to know this once only.
Run the engine and in the console you'll be having results like so.

List of objects printed in the console, from Range Engine 1.5a default setup
List of objects printed in the console

Now to see what our object's type is, we'll use python's f-strings which makes string formatting easier unlike C like syntaxes with %s, %u, %c, etc.
On 10th line we do like print(f"{obj}: {type(obj)}") replacing print(obj). Now your console must be looking like this.

List of objects printed with the object type in the console, from Range Engine 1.5a default setup
List of objects printed with the object type in the console

You might've learned how check whether a certain varible is an int, bool, string, etc. So here we check it with python's built-in type() function.
Now say you want to get a list of lights and change all of their colors to red, we can do it like so.

def main():
    for obj in scene.objects:
        #print(f"{obj}: {type(obj)}")
        if type(obj) == Range.types.KX_LightObject: # <bge.types.KX_LightObject> in BGE/UPBGE
            obj.color = (1,0,0)

So, when you run the engine, you may find your environment slightly red which means it works! But you just need to turn off "Environment Lighting" just for now to see the whole scene in red.

Demonstration of pythonic way of colorizing lights

That's all for today's lesson and here, download the project file.